Infinity Board™
Solid • Customizable • Green
Centric’s revolutionary patented structural board (SIP) can be made from either bamboo, or the perennial grass, Arundo Donax. Both raw materials are eco-friendly, and share identical structural properties when manufactured to Centric’s specifications. Since bamboo and Arundo Donax are non-wood based material, we are contributing to mitigating deforestation of the world’s forests.
Certified Test Result Comparison of Centric’s Infinity Board™ to conventional plywood and OSB.
Centric’s Infinity Board™ is:
3 times lighter and stronger than conventional plywood and OSB (oriented strand boards).
Waterproof – ideal for marine use
Insect proof – especially wood destroying insects, and highly fire resistant.
Less expensive to manufacture than plywood and OSB products.
Adaptable for manufacturing of dimensional lumber and furniture making.
Stronger than Plywood
Several mechanical and physical tests were conducted by TECO of Eugene, Oregon, to obtain key physical characteristics of Centric’s Infinity Board™ (measured in 5/16” thickness). ASTM D1037 specification, titled “Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood-Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials” were used extensively for these tests.
A separate report was provided by TECO which provided test details, results and
photographs showing test coupons and set up.